
Portals To Heaven.


Portals To Heaven shows us how our hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell were designed to direct us toward communion with God just as natural senses heighten everything from warnings to great pleasures.

LaCosta's 30-year career in the field of hearing prepared him to help people learn the art of listening and use their other four senses to walk with God in the spirit.

There’s an innate desire to be connected to our Creator as sure as an orphan is driven to find his birth parents. The use and application of this daily devotional will simply assist you in this journey.

The common sentiment among devotees is that "Portals to Heaven is the one devotional that I go to regularly.”

It’s no wonder. It’s unique. It teaches. It inspires. It's solid and yet creative and it leads us to realize that God is as close as the moment.

The devotional's staying power has enlightened readers and viewers across two decades and has tens of thousands of reads annually.

Unsettling and uncertain times seem to be the new normal. Most people want to know God; to feel they are not alone in this pilgrimage. They need to feel that someone is in charge and that life is not out of control.

Even with the abundance of scriptural apps and paper bibles, people may still find it hard to "find" and engage with God in their daily lives

Enter Portals to Heaven and its accompanying “metaphor-du-jour” — a trusty tool or observation that can be used to sense God’s presence and leading. 

The best way to begin or deepen that relationship is by recognizing the deep desire of God to be known. Once that is established, an unlimited amount of opportunities open up each day in part through our senses.

Like a fine artist using the juxtaposition of light, shadows and depth or a composer who is layering melody, harmony and lyrics, God weaves unmistakable brilliances all around us.

Christianity is the wonderful reality of relationship… and all the securities that come with it from Jesus who teaches us how to love because “He first loved us” and the assurance
that He “will never leave nor forsake us."

The ultimate goal of a relationship is to thrust us ever deeper into the challenging role of a lover.

While LaCosta communicates this objective through different media, his passion and purpose is and will always be singular: To help us love God as God loves us; the very stated goal of Christ.

Journaling With
The King’s Favorite Book StoryJournal™

As the world’s only trademarked StoryJournal™, The King’s Favorite Book tells the story of a man’s encounter with his sovereign only to find out that his majesty knows everything about him.

After reading this short story at the beginning of the journal,
you will be inspired to write your own story…
one that neither you nor God will ever forget.

The author posits, “Is it preposterous that a king would pay attention to you?” LaCosta takes the time-honored discipline and joy of journaling and makes it jump off the pages and into…the hands of God!

The faux leather rivals the look and feel of Florentine journals and LaCosta has placed pull- quotes from the tale and parallel scriptures about the listening ear of God to stimulate a wonderful
- and hopefully lifelong - conversation with The Lord.